Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why Apple Continues to Be the Most Valuable Company in the World

Why Apple Continues to Be the Most Valuable Company in the World

The year is 1996. Steve Jobs is working to build a new computer empire with NeXT, Inc. The company he formerly helped create, Apple, continues to struggle. Fast forward a year, Steve Jobs now heads Apple as its new CEO and begins his campaign to revitalize the company to its former glory days. During his second tour of duty as CEO, Jobs managed to help produce the iPad, iPhone and iPod – devices that continue to be talked about, mimicked and bought for their innovative features.
While Jobs may not longer sit at the helm – he passed away from a form of pancreatic cancer in October 2011, he managed to leave behind an empire that continues to gain huge market capitalization. Any business analyst can see that perhaps Apple might be the first trillion-dollar company.
Analysts also see the profitable patterns are due largely in part to Apple’s product lineup. Now, students are starting to study Apple’s success and, if you’re one of them, you might want to visit to find out more information about a career outlook. While analysts pick apart Apple’s success, the company slowly cruises along as one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Steady Valuation

As of publication date, Apple stock sells for around $600 a share, and with a profit value estimated in the hundreds of billions, it’s no surprise either. For any investor, Apple appears like a suitable company to do business with, especially when it manages to pay back huge returns for clients. Although its stock price may seem steep, the profits are even higher. With such a large profit value, it’s hard to argue why Apple wouldn’t be considered one of the most valuable companies to investors worldwide.h

Products that Changed the World

Every epoch of American history has a company that manages to change America. The 1800s saw the rise of Carnegie Steel; the early 1900s had Standard Oil; and the late ‘90s had Microsoft. Each company managed to change the landscape of not just America, but of the world. Now, Apple will be remembered as the last bastion of technological brilliance during the 2000s.
The products they managed to design continue to be seen throughout American culture. Schools use iPads to teach children. Designers use Macs to create company information. Even everyday folks use their iPhones to search information and complete tasks. Apple has managed to make its way into the lives of most Americans. Its products have changed how individuals conduct business, teach, design and locate information.


A company cannot change the world without innovating. Students looking to earn a degree from one of the business schools online can see just how simple yet innovative Apple’s company motto and products have been. The company managed to take a smart phone and add to it responsive touch controls, a voice-activated assistant, free text messages and video chatting.
While engineers for Apple took the lack of success with tablets and made one into a juggernaut. With so many innovations, companies have used their products to make work easier, while students continue to use Apple devices to complete everyday school tasks. Apple has managed to make everyday electronics more innovative than before.


“The New York Times”  (2011)
MacStories (2012)

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