Saturday, October 16, 2010

101016 WGM English Subs

Hi guys,

The YongSeo episodes are subbed already.

The same goes for khuntoria FC.

As for the Adam Couple, I'm still sourcing.

Sorry for the delay.

WGM Goguma Couple Ep.28 eng sub
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Credits -latz1323, -3ffectfx, -diadanooo1, -hanayahoney

Friday, October 15, 2010

Aaron, Aaron

Recently, my Accounting Professor, she like to call my name.

Actually this has been happening since Week 2's Tutorial.

Without fail she will always call my name, Aaron so what do you think?

Aaron yes ?

I was like I didn't even volunteer, I merely looked at her when she asked the questions.

But come to think of it, perhaps I was asking for it.

Maybe my look was coupled with a desperate intent to answer the questions because most of the time, my classmates will just sit there and keep quiet.

I don't see a point of keeping quiet when you know the answers, its best if you just give her the answers and get the class moving in a fast-paced manner.

On hindsight, I think she called me also because of the fact that she believes that I can give her the answers.

Not because she think that I'm too slack and never do my work, so she want to test if I have the answers.

Yeah, of course I'm taking this super-optimistic approach but that's just learning with passion I guess?

I rather think that the professor has faith in my abilities than to see it from the negative perspective.

Hwaiting !

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Accounting Quiz Results

Today, was a special day.

Why? I got back my Accounting Quiz.

Its the first time I get back an official result since I started my University endeavour.

Notwithstanding that its only worth a mere 5%, I think I need to keep working hard for the future quizzes.

In case you are wondering, I got 17/20.

That comes up to around 4.25% I guess?

To be honest, I wouldn't say that I am extremely happy about it. In fact, I'm a little upset because I had expected 19/20.

Maybe my expectations are too high but oh well, at the end of the day, it just goes to show that I need to be clearer in my understanding of the future topics so that I will not falter in the future.

Hwaiting !

P.S. Tomorrow is a big day for me too. Its going to be the first presentation I will be doing since the start of my University life. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Facebook new privacy settings

Check out some of Facebook's new settings to fit in with the needs of the users.

They seem to be doing a fine job as far as I'm concerned. We have to understand that privacy issues are never easy to solve in the first place.

Let's take a quick look at some of the changes that are relatively easy to access and use.

Prior to Facebook's most recent settings update, it was very difficult to see who can actually view various aspects of your profile and the items you've posted. (Some might argue that's still sort of the case.) Those options were buried, and you had to really dig to find that "View As" option.
Much in the same way Groups will allow you to create smaller social circles and select what they have access to, Cornett's "Who can see what?" tab, under a dedicated section for managing friends, would let users very quickly filter friend lists to figure out who can see what information and then potentially change the settings if they're not comfortable with them seeing certain things like say, political views, sexual leanings, interests and likes.

"Facebook lets you make friend lists, but they're static unless you manually update them," she told us back in May. In her proposal, she implemented another tab under the section for managing your friends called "Smart Lists" that would automatically create and automatically update based on people's profile information. So if coworkers have the company listed in their profile information, Facebook will be able to discern that they're your current coworkers, and it could keep this list updated so you don't have to actually manage this list on your own. In other words, you wouldn't have to remember to add a new coworker to a particular coworkers smart list -- Facebook would do that for you.

The main idea of the Privacy Toolbar was to give users easy access to their settings without being "in-your-face" about it. When users do something -- update their status, tag a photo -- this compact bar would become active and present a message as to how that action may potentially affect their privacy in some way. The gauge with the arrow on the left side of the toolbar provides a visual, quick look at where your privacy settings currently stand so you're able to see how secure you are and the kind of access your friends, as well as the public, have to your information. So if you're about to submit a status update about your job like say, "I had a horrible day at work today," the toolbar would warn you first to check the privacy settings related to that action before you actually submit the information and potentially do some irreparable damage.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

24.78 carat Fancy Intense Pink Diamond

"During my 35-year career at Sothebys I have had the opportunity to examine many magnificent and rare gemstones and, put simply, this stone is one of the most desirable diamonds I have ever seen," said David Bennett, chairman for Europe and the Middle East at Sothebys international jewellery department.

"What makes it so immensely rare is the combination of its exceptional colour and purity with the classic emerald-cut -- a style of cutting normally associated with white diamonds," he added.
Sotheby's gave a pre-sale estimate of 27 to 38 million dollars for the fancy pink diamond, which will go under the hammer on November 16.

Credits -yahoo, -smh