Saturday, January 21, 2012

Samantha Garvey's Incredible Story

Do watch it if you are free.

Samantha Garvey is such an inspiration. She is homeless but she sustains her passion for Science.

She believes that she will succeed so long as she keep doing what she's good at.

This really goes to show that it doesn't matter your background, so long as you have the passion to succeed.

In Singapore, many students complain about their background, coming from a poor family, coming from a neighbourhood school, losing to elite students from the Ivy Leagues, and getting rejected from interviews.

But on hindsight, did we try hard enough? Do you know how hard these successful people try?

They have went through all sorts of adversity before they come to this stage. They have truly been through alot and they deserve every bit of their success.

What we often see are the glory, fame. But does anyone know how much pain and hurt they have been through to reach here? Not really, in fact, people can't be bothered to find out about what they've been through.

All in all, the moral of the story is. If you want to succeed. Work hard, try your best and give it your all. If you don't then you shouldn't expect anything to come to you in the first place.

You reap what you sow. Don't be jealous of other people's success.