Saturday, October 24, 2009

Renewable Energy

Unlike coal and natural gas, the wind and sunshine come and go on nature's schedule.

Excel Energy operates Pumphydro. When excess electricitiy is available, it pumps water up the reservoir, power turbines that produce juice like a hydroelectric damp.

General Compression, wants to build a system that will use excess wind power to compress air in underground caverons, later the air will be released, powering a generator to release electricity

It is definitely a must to store the natural energy today, the world cannot afford to burn anymore excess of fossil fuels because global warming are already heating us up. If we do not make use of Mother Nature, the demise of this world can be nearer by a few decades as mentioned by the climate experts. Furthermore, look at the great companies out there, they are not abiding by the contracts which they signed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions at all. At this rate, they will never be able to fulfil the contract which they signed and they are liable to huge fines as a result.

The electric company are trying to predict wind and sunshine, meaning to say they are looking into predictions on the times whereby wind will come and sunshine will shine on the land. With better predictions, they can decide when to burn more coal and when to burn less of it. Of course, such predictions are never going to be accurate and the efficiencies of these methods are definitely going to fluctuate. The trick here is to harness as much natural energy as possible, whenever you can, wherever you can.

Credits -marketwatch

Friday, October 23, 2009


Climb into the unknown

God is laughing

Impeccable March

Credits -picapixels

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photosmart Premium

This is H-P's latest product, a new printer that cost $399.

It has wireless internet connection using wi-fi that allows you to download all sorts of applications into this printer. The printing quality is excellent and it is efficient in printing as well. The key is that you do not even need to connect this printer to a bulky computer at all!

It allows you to print all sorts of things, ranging from Google Maps, Sudoku puzzles, Snapfish photos, coupons to recipies. This sounds like a great idea but then again it abets people to print more.

Having such an accessible and flexible printer around you naturally encourages you to go meddle with it all the time because it is so easy. Whenever you are free, you just head to the printer and scan through your snapfish photos and start printing away. But the trick here is that you are actually printing more useless stuff in the long run, this is synonymous with a phone, people meddle with it and do all sorts of stuff. In the case of a printer, people print relentless and irresponsibly because they have nothing to do.

Then again, for more matured people, it is a one of a kind printer for now, one of the innovative ones out there. Very convenient so just before you want to go out, you can simply print out your recipe list or a map easily. But then again, remember not to abuse it or you will end up killing more trees. Price-wise, it is more than reasonable, so go get one if you are a matured consumer !

Credits -gadgetlite, googlemaps

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



Little Princess





Credits -onlycupcakes

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GDP Fails

Gross Domestic Product - a basic measure of a country's economic performance and is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a nation in a year.

GDP seems like it has lost its wonders already. It no longer works as well as it did a few decades ago when the world was still slow-moving and mundane. Obviously, it has failed tremendously in the prediction of the crisis. The ambiguous indicator has led many policy-makers astray and confused along the way because it is not specific down to the citizens level, it measures as a whole, as a country entirely.

Just like how you can’t measure health by the type of the food you consumer, you cannot measure the state of a country by the activities it engages in.

GDP seems more like a pointless pursuit of money at the expense of many other crucial things which people are giving up. This includes lives, morals, and values. Countries now believe that they get a better social status and a bright light shining upon them if they have a high GDP. But as a result of that, many are suffering.

I heard a strong example from one of my friends. He mentioned that people climbed up the corporate ladder so rigorously that when they finally reached the top, they lose their mind. A lawyer in London has managed to become one of the most prestigious senior solicitor ever after decades of hard work, but unfortunately died in a miserable way. One day, he decided to break into his own house, dressed up as thief and he called the police himself. Upon the arrival of the police, he did not give himself up and continue taunting the police and it caused them to fire at him. After investigations, the police found out that the robber was actually the house-owner himself, ironic yet a real tragic I must say.

This might sound incredulous but people in the world are really going crazy at the top. The path to the top is relentless and ruthless I must say, people are so willing to give up everything initially only to find out that they had never given up all these while.

Emotional indicators are rising in importance today and sustainability is paramount in the long run. Emotional intelligence includes 4 basic aspects of life, relationship management, self-awareness, social awareness and self management.

Relationships are strained and exploited for network building. People are not aware of their own actions. People lose control of themselves. People are less sensitive to the feeling of the people around and oblivious to the happenings as they climb up the corporate ladder.

At the end of the day, the higher the GDP the harder the people in the country work, and the more relationships lost. Happiness seems to be obliterated from our lives. An obsolete term in today’s society. Mental health deteriorates tremendously and people become emotionally hurt.

The state of a country should thus be measured by more humane factors so to speak. They should be freed from the endless pursuit of cash and power. Time should be provided for reflection and relaxation. Credit should be given for the amount of joy you bring to the workforce and the teaming up with one another for genuine co-operation purposes in search for a synergistic solution rather than for exploitation.

It is important to identify which centers are we actually focusing on and then we should move towards our innate principles. Set aside proper values to guide our actions and move closer towards healthy relationship and happiness and we will create a better world tomorrow.

Credits -randomdude, -nooneisreadingthis, -utahmarriage, -transbuddha

Monday, October 19, 2009

Too Pretty to Eat

Chocolate-Covered Toy Soldiers by Stephen J Shanabrook

Credits -appleonastick,

Sunday, October 18, 2009


So, the main worry now is how to create jobs for the people to ensure that they have stable income so that they still retain their spending power even though the stimulus package is removed.

The government has basically put forward 3 main industries to help absorb this plethora of unemployed people on the streets and they are namely healthcare, education and hospitality.

A lot more sectors and industries are demanding high skill workers now. This could jolly well be a chance to revolutionize the entire workforce. They can all be retrained simultaneously since they are unemployed and they can start to serve away when they finished their training sessions. At that point, their skills will be sharpened and in fact is of a way higher level than ever before.

After a major wake up call for the majority, that they are not exactly half as good as they thought they were. And those being fired is the best form of evidence for that fact; they will definitely activate their drive to learn, one of the drives in the 4-Drive Theory. They start to acquire knowledge rapidly to satisfy their hunger for jobs and increments.

If this spirit can successfully be drawn out, the economy can make use of this potential to propel it faster than the Okun's law can ever imagine.

Such a reform is definitely euchred in any part of the world but almost impossible to achieve before this crisis occurred mainly because of the following reasons:

1. Retraining is usually done on a small skill and only available to the top-notch employees to minimise any disruptions to the operations of the company.

2. People have the satisfizing attitude as compared to the maximizing attitude and it is not easy at all to change that paradigm.

3. Lack of will to be active, rather be indolent throughout their work life.

To sum it up, companies usually cannot afford to conduct such as massive-scaled retraining program because of a shortage of manpower which results in a languished workforce at the end of the day. Their skills remain at the same level as before most of the times and people are just too lazy to improvise. However, this financial crisis could possibly be the best chance in history to turn the tables around. The harder you fall, the higher you will climb so to speak. With this extremely painful fall, people wake up and start to climb even more rigorously and consistently and this could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the United States to get back into the running against China, India and Russia once again.

Credits -cbcr3, -uiowa, -success