First and foremost, thank you to all that have been following closely to this blog.
I will reveal the overall poll results for the year 2009 at the end of the post.
Welcome to the year of 2010 !
There will be a myriad of changes coming your way this 2010 on my blog.
Let's begin to take a dive into the changes that I'm going to make to this blog then shall we ?
You will be able to read about stuff that's beneath the surface now.
For instance, about the cookouts and gatherings.
Evolutions of relationships will be updated on this blog, that includes friendships.

Inextricable, nonplus gossips and drama will be blogged about too.
The one with the red specs gossip alot!

When I'm having trouble and facing difficulties, I will rant a little about it here.

I forsee that it will be an arduous journey ahead coupled with many acrimonious debates at Nanyang Technological University, Faculty of Business next year, so stay tuned!

I will continue to scrutinize the various happenings and news all around me, on a local scale, national scale and of course on the international scale.
When I soar into the sky, I will congratulate myself and update about my incandescent results here!

My flying experiences will be pinned down here.
The various fighting between friends will be gossiped here as well!
Here it goes.
80% thinks the length of the posts are alright.
17% thinks it's too long.
72% thinks the content and image are refreshing and informative.
27% thinks the content and image are NOT refreshing and information. (I'm pretty sad to hear this because I really try to source for prominent pictures that are colourful and I try my best to make the posts interesting)
31% prefer me to blog about business news and entertainment news.
68% prefer me to blog about my personal life
All I have to say is that 2010 will be an enticing year that I looked forward to fervently. After I become Operationally Ready on 8 February 2010, all hell will break loose.

So, sit tight and hold onto to your seat as I will bring you on a ride of your lifetime, to the land of HORROR, HUMOUR, FUN and EMOTIONS !!!!!
Credits -NationalGeographic