Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Self-Motivation Spirit

Okay, before I start this entry. I must say its really random but I was inspired by my long-time neighbour who is one year older than me.

I have not talked to him for a very long time because he's quite a far neighbour, he stays one storey below me.

So cutting to the chase, I saw him today in the lift and had a small chat. He told me that he's currently working in Logistics right now and that he's going to Uni next year. He mentioned that he should have studied hard last time because for him to go Uni at age 24, its very straining especially when he's working part-time as well.

What caught on to me was the tenacity he had, not the lateness of him going to the University per se. When I heard that he's going to the University next year, I was thinking oh wow, this guy actually is really determined. In the past, he used to be from the Normal Technical stream which is technically the worse class and he was extremely playful. But seeing the person he has become today and his perseverance to go to Uni even though he has to work, I can't help but be inspired by him.

Many a times, I hear people complaining about school and work. To be honest, I'm kinda sick of it and I think they are really lacking the resilience. People give up so easily these days and I don't see the hunger in them anymore.

There's no drive in them and there's no ambition at all. They are just getting by as the days pass, happy with being just the average.

However, personally, I don't just wish to be above average, I want to be the best and I work towards being the best.

Coming from a neighbourhood school background, I constantly live in the shadow of the elite students and since young I always thought to myself that they are of a different league and that there's no way I will be the best like them.

However, as I progress to Junior College, I got to be the first in my level and that was the first moment where I actually thought to myself, "Hey you know what? I can be the best!"

As I went to University, I knew it was going to be tough especially in Nanyang Business School where you get all the students coming from Raffles Junior College and Hwa Chong JC. Of course it was intimidating going head to head with these top students.

Nevertheless I fought hard and again I managed to achieve first in my level and I'm near the top student in Nanyang Business School right now. On hindsight, I'm quite disappointed with the level of the Raffles & Hwa Chong students. I mean no offence to them but I had way higher expectations of them. Perhaps its partly due to the marketing of their schools. But I'm certainly no where near impressed with these students at all. They lack the drive and ambition. I don't see them aiming high or even aiming at all.

And today, I see my neighbour even at this age, still striving to be a better person even with so much commitments. These are the people that give me goosebumps, those people that work hard for things.

They fight for everything and they give it their all each and every time.

I hope to work with such people as I enter the workforce and together, we will conquer that corporate ladder!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The people around me are the people I chose.

Some of your employees drive you nuts. Some of your customers are obnoxious. Some of your friends are selfish, all-about-me jerks.

You chose them. If the people around you make you unhappy it's not their fault. It's your fault. They're in your professional or personal life because you drew them to you--and you let them remain.

Think about the type of people you want to work with. Think about the types of customers you would enjoy serving. Think about the friends you want to have.
Then change what you do so you can start attracting those people. Hardworking people want to work with hardworking people. Kind people like to associate with kind people. Remarkable employees want to work for remarkable bosses.

Successful people are naturally drawn to successful people.

~This is so true.

Credits -inc.com