Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japan Earthquake

Pray for Japan

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Japan earthquake

Credits -yahoo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese Tsunami and Earthquake

Japan is under a major crisis.

Just when we thought that the horrible 2 decade-long recession is finally over.

They are now faced with an even more disastrous crisis. Its worse than the Chernobyl incident in 1985.

March 11 was a tragic day for Japan after a disastrous 8.9-magnitute earthquake shattered the eastern coast and resulted in a series of tsunamis that washed away homes, cars, and caused damage of catastrophic proportions. Relief organizations all over the world are responding to help the people and the animals of Japan.

Radioactive materials spewed into the air by Japan's earthquake-crippled nuclear plant may contaminate food and water resources, with children and unborn babies most at risk of possibly developing cancer.
Experts said any exposure to radioactive materials has the potential to cause various kinds of cancers, with higher levels of radiation seen as more dangerous.

The radiation level are high.

Japanese officials say radiation levels have reached dangerous levels around an earthquake-damaged nuclear plant after a fire broke out in a storage pond holding used nuclear fuel rods.

In a nationally televised statement Tuesday, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the radiation level is "very high" and that there is a high risk of more radiation escaping. Anyone living within 30 kilometers of the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant has been urged to remain indoors.

Credits -voanews, -yahoo, -

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meaningful Interaction

A few days back, as I was revising my Organizational Behavior Module.

I came across the term "Meaningful Interaction". I know what it is but apparently there's something more.

For this to work, participants must have close and frequent interaction working toward a shared goal where they need to rely on each other. (that is to co-operate rather than to compete)

An hour long socialization session between executives and frontline workers are definitely not meaningful interactions.

To the employees, the executives are just putting on a show, doing for the sake of doing in layman terms.

For true and sincere interaction to occur, executives have to go all the way, they have to come and work with the frontline employees, talk to them, observe them and create friendly exchanges that minimalise status differences.

When the frontline employees start to lower their barrier and resistance, they will open up to the executives and eventually start to share some pointers with the executives.

This is a win-win situation between the executives will be able to gain the employees trust and on top of that, they get valuable information about what's happening at the frontline and the policies they create later on will be so much more effective in that it looks after the employees' welfare.

In fact, this is what I aspire to be like in the future. I hope to gain experience in various departments, moving around the company and get to know people sincerely rather than just bossing them around just because they are of a lower rank than you are.