Above is the set of my results I received yesterday
I must say that I am extremely happy
For people who do not know, I like to check my results module by module. I will use papers to cover up e rest and I will slowly reveal the grades for each module by moving e paper bit by bit to check e letter grade.
First off, AB103 Statistics
I think this came as the biggest surprise. The thing about NTU results is that the A- and A+ are aligned to the left if you noticed.
Because I was the least confident for Statistics, I checked it last and when I saw it was aligned to the left. I was thinking in my head, its either an A- or A+. But what are the chances of me getting an A+?
Considering that my 2 case studies, I got B and A- respectively.
So I was thinking oh well, its definitely an A- and when I saw an A+, I was totally blown away.
Yeah, so I must say that I am super happy for Statistics.
Next, AB106, Economics.
I was confident for this module but for the final examination, I thought I kinda screwed up some 5 marks question and because in Economics, the bell curve is uber competitive, I was a little nervous and scared.
So I thought I might get an A- but end up I managed to achieve an A which was definitely a relief.
I did well for my 2 quizes in which i got 9/10 for both quizzes, a total of 20%.
And for class participation of 20% I think I did well too. Hence, I was pretty confident for Economics.
But like I said, I heard that the bell curve for Economics is really tough, so I was still a little apprehensive beforehand.
Next AB105, Organizational Behavior.
I managed to get an A for my critical thinking which was 20%
I also managed to get an A for my ethical reasoning which was 20% as well.
For the final examination, again I gave away question 1a unfortunately so I was thinking. Will it cost me my A? But then I was thinking again, hmmmm maybe not because I have 2As for my 2 essays which has a weightage of 40% so I should be pretty safe.
Turns out I managed to get an A for my Organizational Behavior too. I'm really happy about that.
Next AB112 Marketing.
This is one major ambiguity. Why? Because there were no examiner's reports to refer to. Hence, I do not know how to understand the questions in the final examination appropriately
The questions were worth 15-20 marks and that's really scary if you do not know what to write.
What should you write to get the maximum marks?
I was pretty panicky initially but at the end of the day, I was thinking, you know what, I should just go ahead and write whatever I know.
End up, I even requested for an additional booklet to write and I was definitely really proud of myself for achieving an A.
I think getting an A for Marketing is definitely an achievement in itself because it is so content intensive, filled with a plethora of concepts and presentations.
Finally, AB114 Communication Fundamentals.
Basically, this module is about email writing and presentation skills.
I managed to score high marks for my presentations and my email writing so I was the most confident for this module.
In fact, I was really aiming for an A+ for this module because I thought I did really well for the coursework.
Yeah, so once again we have come to an end for yet another semester.
I'm appealing for my double degree programme in Business & Accountancy and I hope that I will be able to get it.
See you all.
I will work harder for Year 2 Semester 1 because the competition will be stiffer