School is starting officially next monday.
I mean the actual lectures and stuff. I just met my tutorial mates yesterday and my first impression of them were pretty good. Well, they seem to be okay and humble but who knows. It takes time to find out who they really are, especially in times of need later on.
As I was heading home from the IT fair today, I received an email from one of my tutorial mate.
She emailed to everyone in class, asking if we are fine with meeting up for lunch on Monday before the lecture per se.
Well on first thought, it seems like a pretty good suggestion but then again, I start to wonder. Is this one of those networking strategy business students are super enthusiastic about? Or is it merely a humble request to get us together so that we will be close with each other faster?
I get a little skeptical and a little turned off because she seems like she's trying too hard. I'm not sure about the other tutorial mates. But to me, it almost seems like she's rushing into a friendship, a spurious one maybe?
No one knows. I mean its definitely important to know each other because we are probably going to see each for at least 3 months. But the problem here is, I'm the type of person that wants to slowly get to know the others.
On the other hand, it is important to sit back and observe first. It takes time to understand how a person is like by observing his/her every little actions. Afterwhich, we slowly get together and talk and our friendship gets stronger as time pass. Along with that, our mutual trust level will naturally rise.
The way she handles it right now, its almost like she can't wait for the friendship to be strong.
The infancy of any growth is always fragile. If you rush into it, it will just collapse and die off. You need to stabilise it, nurture it, look after it consistently.
Its almost similar to the starting of a fire in a windy place. Initially, the fire will go off easily because its weak. This is the point where you protect it the most from the wind. After a while, the fire gets stronger and you can safely rely on it for warmth.
Yea, I'm not too sure about how the other tutorial mates feel about her abrupt lunch invitation but at the moment, only one person replied her.
Credits -mono, -shineanthology
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How much are KPOP stars paid?
The Korea’s
National Singer Association has recently elected trot artist Tae Jin Ah to be its next president. As the group’s new representative, Tae Jin Ah revealed, “I will make appearance fees for music programs more realistic now.”

What does he mean by that?
Apparently, the singers are only paid $200 for each guest appearance on a music show on MBC, SBS, and KBS
If the singers are in the industry for 5-10 years already, they are paid $300.
If they are in the industry for 10-20 years already, they are paid $400.
If they are in the industry for 20-30 years, they are paid $500 and so on and so forth.
For idols in a group, they are paid more but its not alot more. For instance, each SNSD members get a mere $100 for each performance.
This is ridiculously little because they spent about $5000 for each stage performances, mainly credited to the cost of the props, costumers, dancers, makeup and stuff.
Hence, they are de facto losing money for every show they attend. Nonetheless, they are still appearing on music shows because this is apparently one of their medium to promote their albums and songs. These shows are the ones with one of the highest ratings when it comes to Korea. Many viewers are constantly tuning into the show and the live performances can really make a difference.
The live performances are different from the audio recorded ones. They will thus be able attract new fans and stuff. It's a fresh new outlook.
Nonetheless, all these are discretionary, it is considered a risk to attend music shows. If it turns out to be unsuccessful, the company will lose more than they can possibly imagine. It could amount to hundreds of thousands of losses.
At the end of the day, attending the music shows is a form of marketing. That way, they will be exposed to the public. It's like advertisements, but will the viewers be motivated to buy their albums? That's a different story.
Once their popularity has soared, they will naturally be invited by other organisers to annual music festivals, commercials and even Dream Concerts.
Once they are able to get to the Dream Concert, their popularity will be brought to whole new level and naturally the amount of money earned will be unimaginable.
Just imagine, one ticket cost around $200, how much do these stars earn?
Good luck kpop stars!
Credits -sup3rjunior, -,- allkpop,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
2NE1 Comeback on 100909
Major transformation in the image of 2NE1
This is what's so unique about Kpop.
They release a small mini album from time to time, say every 3 or 6 months.
And then after 1-2 years, they comeback with a full-fledged album along with a brand new image.
They will usually promote their tracks by releasing teasers along with the makeover pictures of their artists.
What's so unique about this comeback is that 2NE1 will be promoting a total of THREE title hit tracks simultaneously. A move that has never been seen before in the media industry. Typically, the group will only promote a maximum of 2 hit songs but this time round, 2NE1 is starting the revolution of promoting a total of 3 songs.
Very intriguing marketing strategy that has been really great at enticing the public.
Let's take a look at their transformation
From this to
This is what's so unique about Kpop.
They release a small mini album from time to time, say every 3 or 6 months.
And then after 1-2 years, they comeback with a full-fledged album along with a brand new image.
They will usually promote their tracks by releasing teasers along with the makeover pictures of their artists.
What's so unique about this comeback is that 2NE1 will be promoting a total of THREE title hit tracks simultaneously. A move that has never been seen before in the media industry. Typically, the group will only promote a maximum of 2 hit songs but this time round, 2NE1 is starting the revolution of promoting a total of 3 songs.
Very intriguing marketing strategy that has been really great at enticing the public.
Let's take a look at their transformation
From this to
to this
Team Leader CL too changed her image from
To this
Minzy from this
to this
Park Bom from this
to this
Sandara Park from this
to this
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Singapore KPOP Concert
23 OCTOBER 2010.
CAT 4 SEATED S$ 118.
Saturday 4th Sept and Sunday 5th Sept
Monday 6th Sept onwards
All remaining CAT 1 and CAT 2 tickets
Payment by Cash, Credit Card and NETS
HMV 313@Somerset
Sat: 10AM - 11PM
Sun: 10AM - 10PM
Mon: 10AM - 10PM
Credits -hmvsingapore,, -smexyromance
Monday, August 30, 2010
School starts
School will officially start on 3rd September.
Well not really because it's merely an opening ceremony.
To all of you out there who are still not aware.
I will be reading Business at Nanyang Technological University. Its a 3 year direct honours course.
But I will not be talking about that for now. A little diversion here.
A few months ago,
I was thinking to myself, how I wish I had studied a little bit harder and I could possibly end up in Medicine or Law.
Getting admission into those faculties is synonymous to a ticket to success.
They always looked so cheerful and high up there.
The medicine people are always laughing away and it had long been regarded as the most prestigious course ever created. The role of saving lives, how huge is that!
Its like no matter what they do, it always seem so fun! They seem to be living their lives to the fullest everytime I see them.
They have alot of fun going on. They look good. They are smart. They have a future. Lots of prospect.
Also, being able to don on the white coat along with the Stethoscope hanged around their neck, its like a dream come true. The moment they walk pass you, you can't help but bow down and only envy them as they leave their lingering traces behind. Many can't help but stare at them with envy.
They are the ones that are very much respected by all because of their intelligence. Best of all, they are guaranteed big bucks in their future career.
As for the law students, they are all going to be the future charismatic lawyers that will be battling out their life for their clients in the solemn court. Of course, they will be earning big bucks too. They too, get the chance to wear classic suits and of course, people out there are naturally staring at them with an abundance of jealousy.
Then I wonder, I'm just a Business Student in NTU. Is that good enough? Will people envy me?
But a while back, I start to think of a few things.
1. Am I able to cope in NBS? The courses seem new and fresh and they are definitely not easy.
2. There are so many competitors from RJC and HCJC. Am I able to compete with them?
3. What if I screw it up? Then, is it the end?
But something changed everything once again. I thought to myself.
Then, is Medicine and Law easy? Imagine myself entering Medicine. I will be constantly worrying about all the nerves and cells. Can I memorise all these stuff? Even if I can, am I able to apply it effectively during real surgeries? Its live and death we are talking about here.
Then, if I'm in law, will I be able to find a job out there? Who will hire me as a lawyer? How do I stand out from all the established lawyers that are already out there? There are way too many law codes, will I be able to memorise them properly? How am I going to help my client win the case in the future and if I lose, will people still hire me?
It is after all these ruminations that I realised that nothing is easy in this world. In fact, Medicine and Law students are not having an easy time themselves. We can only admire them with jealousy because we are not put under the pressure they faced.
So, after thinking about that, I realised that I should no longer be so timorous anymore.
I used to be chasing after the Double Degree for Accountancy & Business. Am I going to give up fighting for a Double Degree in Year 2 now? How can I do so if I'm going to be so paranoid about whether I will be able to handle all the workload. I have not even tried and I'm already telling myself that I can't do it. Even if I might not be able to catch up with them in the beginning, it does not mean that I will not be able to catch up with them forever.
When my friends are lagging behind, I always tell them that its not the end yet, and you can surely catch up if you work even harder. Then, why am I demoralising myself here? This is unforgivable!
At the end of the day, we become what we think about. If we keep telling ourselves that we can't do it, then eventually, we will not be able to handle it.
Hence, my conclusion is that, its okay that I will be facing the RJC & HCJC students. In fact, I'm happy that all my competitors are equally as strong. Simply because, I thrive in a competitive environment. I will only grow stronger if my competitors are fierce and relentless. The stronger they are, the stronger I become.
Come to think of it, if everyone is slack, I will be even more worried.
But now, there's nothing to be afraid of, since I'm already in NBS, I will fight it out with them and may the best man win.
Let the battle begins
Well not really because it's merely an opening ceremony.
To all of you out there who are still not aware.
I will be reading Business at Nanyang Technological University. Its a 3 year direct honours course.
But I will not be talking about that for now. A little diversion here.
A few months ago,
I was thinking to myself, how I wish I had studied a little bit harder and I could possibly end up in Medicine or Law.
Getting admission into those faculties is synonymous to a ticket to success.
They always looked so cheerful and high up there.
The medicine people are always laughing away and it had long been regarded as the most prestigious course ever created. The role of saving lives, how huge is that!
Its like no matter what they do, it always seem so fun! They seem to be living their lives to the fullest everytime I see them.
They have alot of fun going on. They look good. They are smart. They have a future. Lots of prospect.
Also, being able to don on the white coat along with the Stethoscope hanged around their neck, its like a dream come true. The moment they walk pass you, you can't help but bow down and only envy them as they leave their lingering traces behind. Many can't help but stare at them with envy.
They are the ones that are very much respected by all because of their intelligence. Best of all, they are guaranteed big bucks in their future career.
As for the law students, they are all going to be the future charismatic lawyers that will be battling out their life for their clients in the solemn court. Of course, they will be earning big bucks too. They too, get the chance to wear classic suits and of course, people out there are naturally staring at them with an abundance of jealousy.
Then I wonder, I'm just a Business Student in NTU. Is that good enough? Will people envy me?
But a while back, I start to think of a few things.
1. Am I able to cope in NBS? The courses seem new and fresh and they are definitely not easy.
2. There are so many competitors from RJC and HCJC. Am I able to compete with them?
3. What if I screw it up? Then, is it the end?
But something changed everything once again. I thought to myself.
Then, is Medicine and Law easy? Imagine myself entering Medicine. I will be constantly worrying about all the nerves and cells. Can I memorise all these stuff? Even if I can, am I able to apply it effectively during real surgeries? Its live and death we are talking about here.
Then, if I'm in law, will I be able to find a job out there? Who will hire me as a lawyer? How do I stand out from all the established lawyers that are already out there? There are way too many law codes, will I be able to memorise them properly? How am I going to help my client win the case in the future and if I lose, will people still hire me?
It is after all these ruminations that I realised that nothing is easy in this world. In fact, Medicine and Law students are not having an easy time themselves. We can only admire them with jealousy because we are not put under the pressure they faced.
So, after thinking about that, I realised that I should no longer be so timorous anymore.
I used to be chasing after the Double Degree for Accountancy & Business. Am I going to give up fighting for a Double Degree in Year 2 now? How can I do so if I'm going to be so paranoid about whether I will be able to handle all the workload. I have not even tried and I'm already telling myself that I can't do it. Even if I might not be able to catch up with them in the beginning, it does not mean that I will not be able to catch up with them forever.
When my friends are lagging behind, I always tell them that its not the end yet, and you can surely catch up if you work even harder. Then, why am I demoralising myself here? This is unforgivable!
At the end of the day, we become what we think about. If we keep telling ourselves that we can't do it, then eventually, we will not be able to handle it.
Hence, my conclusion is that, its okay that I will be facing the RJC & HCJC students. In fact, I'm happy that all my competitors are equally as strong. Simply because, I thrive in a competitive environment. I will only grow stronger if my competitors are fierce and relentless. The stronger they are, the stronger I become.
Come to think of it, if everyone is slack, I will be even more worried.
But now, there's nothing to be afraid of, since I'm already in NBS, I will fight it out with them and may the best man win.
Let the battle begins
2NE1 for Etude House
Ahead of 2NE1’s long awaited comeback in September, the girls have been busy with their various endorsements and posing for all kinds of photo shoots.
The girls recently filmed a commercial film for Etude House cosmetics
and skin care, and can be seen using some eyelash enhancement from the popular brand.
Personally, I liked the idea of using idol stars to endorse products.
1. They are familiar faces to the public.
2. They are an icon.
3. The idols are presented well and the advertisement seems luxurious, this will attract the public to buy it, to look like stars like them.

Personally, I liked the idea of using idol stars to endorse products.
1. They are familiar faces to the public.
2. They are an icon.
3. The idols are presented well and the advertisement seems luxurious, this will attract the public to buy it, to look like stars like them.
Check out their CF Below
Credits -allkpop, -photobucket
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