Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japanese Tsunami and Earthquake

Japan is under a major crisis.

Just when we thought that the horrible 2 decade-long recession is finally over.

They are now faced with an even more disastrous crisis. Its worse than the Chernobyl incident in 1985.

March 11 was a tragic day for Japan after a disastrous 8.9-magnitute earthquake shattered the eastern coast and resulted in a series of tsunamis that washed away homes, cars, and caused damage of catastrophic proportions. Relief organizations all over the world are responding to help the people and the animals of Japan.

Radioactive materials spewed into the air by Japan's earthquake-crippled nuclear plant may contaminate food and water resources, with children and unborn babies most at risk of possibly developing cancer.
Experts said any exposure to radioactive materials has the potential to cause various kinds of cancers, with higher levels of radiation seen as more dangerous.

The radiation level are high.

Japanese officials say radiation levels have reached dangerous levels around an earthquake-damaged nuclear plant after a fire broke out in a storage pond holding used nuclear fuel rods.

In a nationally televised statement Tuesday, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the radiation level is "very high" and that there is a high risk of more radiation escaping. Anyone living within 30 kilometers of the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant has been urged to remain indoors.

Credits -voanews, -yahoo, -

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