Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photosmart Premium

This is H-P's latest product, a new printer that cost $399.

It has wireless internet connection using wi-fi that allows you to download all sorts of applications into this printer. The printing quality is excellent and it is efficient in printing as well. The key is that you do not even need to connect this printer to a bulky computer at all!

It allows you to print all sorts of things, ranging from Google Maps, Sudoku puzzles, Snapfish photos, coupons to recipies. This sounds like a great idea but then again it abets people to print more.

Having such an accessible and flexible printer around you naturally encourages you to go meddle with it all the time because it is so easy. Whenever you are free, you just head to the printer and scan through your snapfish photos and start printing away. But the trick here is that you are actually printing more useless stuff in the long run, this is synonymous with a phone, people meddle with it and do all sorts of stuff. In the case of a printer, people print relentless and irresponsibly because they have nothing to do.

Then again, for more matured people, it is a one of a kind printer for now, one of the innovative ones out there. Very convenient so just before you want to go out, you can simply print out your recipe list or a map easily. But then again, remember not to abuse it or you will end up killing more trees. Price-wise, it is more than reasonable, so go get one if you are a matured consumer !

Credits -gadgetlite, googlemaps

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